2024 Kaikoura Dairy Awards

Celebrating excellence in sustainability: Recognising our outstanding farmers

At the recent Kaikoura Dairy Awards ceremony, we celebrated the exceptional achievements of several outstanding farmers and highlighted the importance of sustainability in agriculture. 

At the 2023 awards, Will and Chris Boyd from Silverbank Enterprises won the sustainability award. This year Will and Chris won second place in the Production award, taking home Plasback bin liners to continue their great effort in supporting sustainability in farming. We are happy to see a strong commitment to growing sustainability awareness in the farming industry.

This year, the sustainability award been passed to Rod and Catherine Lamb, who have continued to raise the bar in sustainable agriculture. Their innovative practices and commitment have seen them achieve grade free status for 10 out of their 19 farms.

We are incredibly proud to be a part of this event and to see so many farmers who are committed to sustainability. Their achievements inspire us all to strive for greater heights in our agricultural endeavours. 

We look forward to being a part of the Kaikoura Dairy Awards next year where we can continue to celebrate the commitment to sustainability and to the environment.